museum-digitalLandesmuseum Württemberg

Andrea Guazzalotti (1435-1495)

Andere Schreibweisen des Namens: "Guaccialotti, Andrea , Guazzalotti, Andrea , Guacialotti, Andrea".
Über Andrea Guazzalotti schreibt die National Gallery of Art (USA): "Guacialoti was the son of one Filippo, a resident of Prato whose family was Florentine in origin. Andrea entered the household of Niccolò Palmieri, bishop of Orte, at an unknown date and became a papal scriptor in Rome, a canon of Prato, and a priest of the town of Ajolo (Iolo), near Prato. Guacialoti was well known as a bronze founder. From 1464 he lived mainly in Prato and was commissioned to cast the medal by Bertoldo di Giovanni commemorating the Pazzi Conspiracy of 1478 (NGA 1957.14.846.a,b). He died in 1495 and was buried in Prato. ...",

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Hergestellt Andrea Guazzalotti (1435-1495)
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Kalixt III. (Papst) (1378-1458) ()