museum-digitalLandesmuseum Württemberg

Joseph Moore (1817-1892)

" MOORE, JOSEPH (Brit.). Medallist of the second half of the nineteenth century, born at Birmingham, 17 February 18 17, died there in 1892.
His father had served in the Peninsular War and met with a serious accident when the future Engraver was yet a child. At ten years of age he persuaded his parents to allow him to try to earn his own living; he entered the office of a then well-known silver- smith, and while there he learned drawing under Henry Follet Osier.
His next step in life was when he was apprenticed tor eight-and- a-half years to Thomas Halliday, a die-sinker, of Newhall Street, nearly opposite to Little Charles Street. His training with Halliday was most valuable to him. In starting business for himself he began with dies for button making, which at that time was one of the chief, if not the greatest, industry of the town. ..." -, 24.08.2019

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Hergestellt Joseph Moore (1817-1892)
Hergestellt John Allen ()